The many, many departments that Harper has muzzled - or killed
(too old to reply)
2014-01-24 23:52:45 UTC

“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the
environment.” ― Ansel Adams


Friday January 10, 2014 in Science and Technology

Federal programs and research facilities that have been shut down or had
their funding reduced

Hundreds of federal programs and world renowned research facilities have
been shut down or had their funding reduced by the federal government.
This list was compiled by the Canadian Association of University
Teachers and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada.

If you are a federal government scientist or researcher and your
program, project, or research facility has been affected by the cuts we
would like to hear from you, please comment below or send us an email at

Environmental Emergency Response Program
Urban Wastewater Program
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
Smokestacks Emissions Monitoring Team
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Winnipeg Office
Municipal Water and Wastewater Survey
Environmental Protection Operations
Compliance Promotion Program
Action Plan on Clean Water
Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) (PEARL
lost its $1.5 million annual budget when the government stopped funding
the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science (CFCAS) . In
May 2013, the federal government announced the facility would get a $ 1
million a year grant for the next five years. But according to Professor
Tom Duck, of Dalhousie University, with the loss of CFCAS, atmospheric
and climate research will be funded at less than 70 per cent of the
level it was funded at in 2006.)
Sustainable Water Management Division
Environmental Effects Monitoring Program
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan
Chemicals Management Plan
Canadian Centre for Inland Waters
Clean Air Agenda
Air Quality Health Index
Species at Risk Program
Weather and Environmental Services
Substance and Waste Management
Ocean Contaminants & Marine Toxicology Program
Experimental Lakes Area (Under the Bill-38 the ELA was shut down.
As of January 2014, the International Institute for Sustainable
Development and the Ontario government are working out an agreement with
the federal government to take over the facility.)
DFO Marine Science Libraries
Centre for Offshore Oil & Gas Energy Research
Kitsilano Coast Guard Station
St. Johns Marine Traffic Centre
St. Anthony’s Marine Traffic Centre
Conservation and Protection Office
Conservation and Protection Office (L’anse au Loup, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Trepassey, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Rigolet, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Burgeo, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Arnold’s Cove, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Baddeck, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Canso, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Sheet Harbour, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Woodstock, NB)
Conservation and Protection Office (Port Hood, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Wallace, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Kedgwick, NB)
Conservation and Protection Office (Montague, PEI)
Conservation and Protection Office (Inuvik, NT)
Conservation and Protection Office (Rankin Inlet, NU)
Conservation and Protection Office (Clearwater, BC)
Conservation and Protection Office (Comox, BC)
Conservation and Protection Office (Hazelton, BC)
Conservation and Protection Office (Quesnel, BC)
Conservation and Protection Office (Pender Harbour, BC)
Atlantic Lobster Sustainability Measures Program
Species-at-Risk Program
Habitat Management Program
DFO Institute of Ocean Sciences (Sidney, BC)
Freshwater Institute - Winnipeg
Oil Spill Counter-Measures Team
Maurice-Lamontagne Institute’s French language library
Canadian Coast Guard Management
Water Pollution Research Lab (Sidney, BC)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Winnipeg, MB)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Burlington, ON)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Mont-Joli, QC)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Moncton, NB)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Dartmouth, NS)
St. Andrew Biological Station
Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility
Ice Information Partnership
Motor Vehicle Fleet
Inshore Rescue Boat Program
Species at Risk Atlantic Salmon Production Facilities
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
At-Sean Observer Programs
Financial Management Services
Pacific Forestry Centre, Satellite Office (Prince George, BC)
Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing
Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program
Isotopes Supply Initiative
Clean Energy Fund
Sustainable Development Technology Canada – Next Generation
Biofuels Fund
Program of Energy Research and Development
Pacific Forestry Centre
Astronomy Interpretation Centre – Centre of the Universe
MRI research, Institute Biodiagnostics
Polar Continental Shelf Progam
Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Aquatic and Crop Resource Development
Molecular Biochemistry Laboratory, Aquatic and Crop Resource
Plant Metabolism Research, Aquatic and Crop Resource Development
Human Health Therapeutics research program
Automotive and Surface Transportation program
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research
Environmental Risks to Health program
Substance Use and Abuse program
First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care program
Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit program
Interim Federal Health Program
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Information, and Measurement
Science, Innovation and Adoption program
Rural and Co-operatives Development program
Farm Debt Mediation Service
Centre for Plant Health (Sidney, BC)
National Aboriginal Health Organization
First Nations Statistical Institute
Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth
First Nations and Inuit Health
Fertilizer Pre-Market Efficacy Assessment program
Enforcement of Product of Canada label
RADARSAT Constellation Mission
Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik Research station
Kluane Lake Research Station
Bamfield Marine Science Centre
Microfungal Collection and Herborium
Biogeoscience Institute
Coriolis II research Vessel
OIE Laboratory for Infectious Salmon Anaemia
Canadian Phycological Culture Centre
Brockhouse Institute
Polaris Portable Observatories for Lithospheric Analysis and Research
Mount Megantic Observatory
Smoke Stacks Emissions Monitoring Team
National Roundtable on the Environment and Economy
Environmental Protections Operations Compliant Promotion Program,
Sustainable Water Management Division,
Environmental Effects Monitoring program,
Fresh Water Institute
Canadian Centre for Inlands Waters (Burlington)
World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre
Environmental Emergencies Program
Parks Canada
Montreal Biosphere
Statistics Canada
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
Laboratory for the Analysis of Natural and Synthetic Environmental
National Ultrahigh-field NMR Facility for Solids
IsoTrace AMS Facility
Canadian Phycological Culture Centre
Canadian Resource Centre for Zebrafish Genetics
Neuroendocrinology Assay Laboratory at the University of Western
Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding
Portable Observatories for Lithospheric Analysis and Research
Investigating (POLARIS) (Ontario)
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research
St. John’s Centrifuge Modelling Facility
Quebec/Eastern Canada high field NMR facility
Félix d’Hérelle Reference Center for Bacterial Viruses
Canadian Neutron Beam Laboratory
The Compute/Calcul Canada
Center for Innovative Geochronology
Biogeoscience Institute
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
Pacific Northwest Consortium Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Centre for Molecular and Materials Science at TRIUMF
Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research
Canadian Cosmogenic Nuclide Exposure Dating Facility
Atlantic Regional Facilities for Materials Characterization
The Canadian SuperDARN/PolarDARN facility
Greg Carr
2014-01-25 00:29:18 UTC
Post by ConɀƦConɀ
“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the
environment.” ― Ansel Adams
Friday January 10, 2014 in Science and Technology
Federal programs and research facilities that have been shut down or had
their funding reduced
Hundreds of federal programs and world renowned research facilities have
been shut down or had their funding reduced by the federal government.
This list was compiled by the Canadian Association of University
Teachers and the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada.
If you are a federal government scientist or researcher and your
program, project, or research facility has been affected by the cuts we
would like to hear from you, please comment below or send us an email at
Environmental Emergency Response Program
Urban Wastewater Program
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
Smokestacks Emissions Monitoring Team
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, Winnipeg Office
Municipal Water and Wastewater Survey
Environmental Protection Operations
Compliance Promotion Program
Action Plan on Clean Water
Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) (PEARL lost
its $1.5 million annual budget when the government stopped funding the
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Science (CFCAS) . In May
2013, the federal government announced the facility would get a $ 1
million a year grant for the next five years. But according to Professor
Tom Duck, of Dalhousie University, with the loss of CFCAS, atmospheric
and climate research will be funded at less than 70 per cent of the
level it was funded at in 2006.)
Sustainable Water Management Division
Environmental Effects Monitoring Program
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan
Chemicals Management Plan
Canadian Centre for Inland Waters
Clean Air Agenda
Air Quality Health Index
Species at Risk Program
Weather and Environmental Services
Substance and Waste Management
Ocean Contaminants & Marine Toxicology Program
Experimental Lakes Area (Under the Bill-38 the ELA was shut down. As of
January 2014, the International Institute for Sustainable Development
and the Ontario government are working out an agreement with the federal
government to take over the facility.)
DFO Marine Science Libraries
Centre for Offshore Oil & Gas Energy Research
Kitsilano Coast Guard Station
St. Johns Marine Traffic Centre
St. Anthony’s Marine Traffic Centre
Conservation and Protection Office
Conservation and Protection Office (L’anse au Loup, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Trepassey, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Rigolet, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Burgeo, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Arnold’s Cove, NL)
Conservation and Protection Office (Baddeck, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Canso, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Sheet Harbour, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Woodstock, NB)
Conservation and Protection Office (Port Hood, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Wallace, NS)
Conservation and Protection Office (Kedgwick, NB)
Conservation and Protection Office (Montague, PEI)
Conservation and Protection Office (Inuvik, NT)
Conservation and Protection Office (Rankin Inlet, NU)
Conservation and Protection Office (Clearwater, BC)
Conservation and Protection Office (Comox, BC)
Conservation and Protection Office (Hazelton, BC)
Conservation and Protection Office (Quesnel, BC)
Conservation and Protection Office (Pender Harbour, BC)
Atlantic Lobster Sustainability Measures Program
Species-at-Risk Program
Habitat Management Program
DFO Institute of Ocean Sciences (Sidney, BC)
Freshwater Institute - Winnipeg
Oil Spill Counter-Measures Team
Maurice-Lamontagne Institute’s French language library
Canadian Coast Guard Management
Water Pollution Research Lab (Sidney, BC)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Winnipeg, MB)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Burlington, ON)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Mont-Joli, QC)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Moncton, NB)
Water Pollution Research Lab (Dartmouth, NS)
St. Andrew Biological Station
Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility
Ice Information Partnership
Motor Vehicle Fleet
Inshore Rescue Boat Program
Species at Risk Atlantic Salmon Production Facilities
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
At-Sean Observer Programs
Financial Management Services
Pacific Forestry Centre, Satellite Office (Prince George, BC)
Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing
Pulp and Paper Green Transformation Program
Isotopes Supply Initiative
Clean Energy Fund
Sustainable Development Technology Canada – Next Generation Biofuels Fund
Program of Energy Research and Development
Pacific Forestry Centre
Astronomy Interpretation Centre – Centre of the Universe
MRI research, Institute Biodiagnostics
Polar Continental Shelf Progam
Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
Aquatic Ecotoxicology, Aquatic and Crop Resource Development
Molecular Biochemistry Laboratory, Aquatic and Crop Resource Development
Plant Metabolism Research, Aquatic and Crop Resource Development
Human Health Therapeutics research program
Automotive and Surface Transportation program
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Research
Environmental Risks to Health program
Substance Use and Abuse program
First Nations and Inuit Primary Health Care program
Health Infrastructure Support for First Nations and Inuit program
Interim Federal Health Program
Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration
Environmental Knowledge, Technology, Information, and Measurement program
Science, Innovation and Adoption program
Rural and Co-operatives Development program
Farm Debt Mediation Service
Centre for Plant Health (Sidney, BC)
National Aboriginal Health Organization
First Nations Statistical Institute
Cultural Connections for Aboriginal Youth
First Nations and Inuit Health
Fertilizer Pre-Market Efficacy Assessment program
Enforcement of Product of Canada label
RADARSAT Constellation Mission
Whapmagoostui-Kuujjuarapik Research station
Kluane Lake Research Station
Bamfield Marine Science Centre
Microfungal Collection and Herborium
Biogeoscience Institute
Coriolis II research Vessel
OIE Laboratory for Infectious Salmon Anaemia
Canadian Phycological Culture Centre
Brockhouse Institute
Polaris Portable Observatories for Lithospheric Analysis and Research
Mount Megantic Observatory
Smoke Stacks Emissions Monitoring Team
National Roundtable on the Environment and Economy
Environmental Protections Operations Compliant Promotion Program,
Sustainable Water Management Division,
Environmental Effects Monitoring program,
Fresh Water Institute
Canadian Centre for Inlands Waters (Burlington)
World Ozone and Ultraviolet Radiation Data Centre
Environmental Emergencies Program
Parks Canada
Montreal Biosphere
Statistics Canada
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
Laboratory for the Analysis of Natural and Synthetic Environmental
National Ultrahigh-field NMR Facility for Solids
IsoTrace AMS Facility
Canadian Phycological Culture Centre
Canadian Resource Centre for Zebrafish Genetics
Neuroendocrinology Assay Laboratory at the University of Western Ontario
Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding
Portable Observatories for Lithospheric Analysis and Research
Investigating (POLARIS) (Ontario)
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research
St. John’s Centrifuge Modelling Facility
Quebec/Eastern Canada high field NMR facility
Félix d’Hérelle Reference Center for Bacterial Viruses
Canadian Neutron Beam Laboratory
The Compute/Calcul Canada
Center for Innovative Geochronology
Biogeoscience Institute
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
Pacific Northwest Consortium Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Centre for Molecular and Materials Science at TRIUMF
Pacific Centre for Isotopic and Geochemical Research
Canadian Cosmogenic Nuclide Exposure Dating Facility
Atlantic Regional Facilities for Materials Characterization
The Canadian SuperDARN/PolarDARN facility
Seems to me instead of giving the Jordanian's 100 million to cope with
Syrian refugees Harper should restore Coast Guard and scientific
spending. Get with it Harper.
*Read and obey the Bible*