Tories facing backlash of online-surveillance bill
(too old to reply)
"Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
2012-02-16 00:15:15 UTC
In light of this latest move . . . . after their introduction of changes to the OAS, the CPP,
their overt coziness with the Chinese, and the removal of the long gun registry, I wonder if I
will have to adjust my 'nym to a lower number still. . . .


OTTAWA— The Canadian Press - Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2012

Facing backlash, Tories eye rewrite of online-surveillance bill

The Harper government signalled Wednesday it's open to softening a controversial bill that
would give authorities easier access to information about Internet users.
The shift came after a torrent of criticism about the legislation – including concerns from
some of its own MPs.

In the House of Commons, Public Safety Minister Vic Toews said the bill would skip the
second-reading stage and be sent directly to committee – a move that would make it easier to
alter the content.

Generally bills only go to committee after receiving second reading, considered approval in
principle from the Commons.

After Question Period, Government House Leader Peter Van Loan said dispatching the bill to
committee now is a sign “that the government is open to a broad range of amendments in order to
get the right balance.”

The bill's tabling Tuesday touched off a heated debate about whether the measures unduly
violate privacy.

It would allow authorities access to Internet subscriber information – including name, address,
telephone number and email address – without first getting court approval. Currently, release
of such data, held by Internet service providers, is voluntary.

The government says the legislation is simply an attempt to bring the law into the 21st
century – a much-needed update to keep pace with child pornographers and other criminals who
prowl online.

Privacy advocates say the bill goes too far, giving the state Big Brother-like powers to peek
into people's online lives.

“We're hammering this bill and we're going to continue hammering this bill because this bill is
attacking some fundamental freedoms of Canadians,” said New Democrat MP Charlie Angus.

It became apparent Wednesday that some Conservative MPs share that uneasiness.

“I think it's too intrusive as it currently stands and does need to be looked at,” said Tory
John Williamson, a rookie MP from New Brunswick. “There's a lot of concern, I think, across the

Ontario Conservative MP David Tilson said he wants to be satisfied that if police are
eavesdropping on people, they have permission from a court. “If they don't have that, well then
I'll be concerned. So I want to hear more about it first.”

Veteran Alberta MP Rob Anders said “there's probably going to be amendments” to the bill.

He said there are likely ways to adjust the legislation so that police could swiftly deal with
child pornographers on the Internet while allowing for court-ordered warrants in other cases.

Mr. Angus said Mr. Toews is backpedalling because “he came in and stuck his finger in the
political socket and he's been thrown back.”

“We're standing with the privacy experts. And we're saying this is above and beyond the rule of
law and the minister has to stop hiding behind child victims. He has to come up and explain why
he wants to spy on Canadians.”

"We CAN look after each other better than we do today.
We CAN have a fiscally responsible government.
We CAN have a strong economy; greater equality; a clean environment.
We CAN be a force for peace in the world." - Jack Layton
M.I. Wakefield
2012-02-16 00:29:10 UTC
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
In light of this latest move . . . . after their introduction of changes
to the OAS,
What changes? The idea has been discussed, but nothing has been introduced.
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
the CPP,
What changes? Nothing is even being discussed.
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
their overt coziness with the Chinese,

Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
and the removal of the long gun registry,
Awwww! Poor Kkkaren. Her C-O-A-L-I-T-I-O-N not only failed, it had two
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
I wonder if I will have to adjust my 'nym to a lower number still. . . .
Jan 20 to Feb 15:

Ç***@32% Ç***@32%@can.ca 345 7.94%
Ç***@36% Ç***@36%@can.ca 43 0.99%
§PamÐUster §pamÐ***@cda.ca 6 0.14%
ÇOns®36% Çons®36%@can.ca 5 0.12%
ÇOns®36% Çons®36%@all.ca 3 0.07%
§PamßUster §pamß***@not.ca 3 0.07%
Ç***@36% "Ç***@36%"@can.ca 2 0.05%

Total: 407 9.37% of all posts to can.politics
Greg Carr
2012-02-16 01:24:48 UTC
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
In light of this latest move . . . . after their introduction of changes
to the OAS,
What changes?  The idea has been discussed, but nothing has been introduced.
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
the CPP,
What changes?  Nothing is even being discussed.
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
their overt coziness with the Chinese,
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
and the removal of the long gun registry,
Awwww!  Poor Kkkaren.  Her C-O-A-L-I-T-I-O-N not only failed, it had two
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
I wonder if I will have to adjust my 'nym to a lower number still. . . .
Total:        407    9.37% of all posts to can.politics
I have nothing to hide but I am oppossed to police getting my info
from my ISP without a warrant. What is the big deal about getting a
"Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
2012-02-16 20:09:50 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
I have nothing to hide but I am oppossed to police getting my info
from my ISP without a warrant. What is the big deal about getting a
Your "stable majority government" doesn't want to go through the trouble. And YOU have no
right to whine about ANYTHING they do. They were an entirely predictable government for doing
whatever the hell they want to do. YOU are just one of their enablers.
Greg Carr
2012-02-18 03:36:09 UTC
Post by Greg Carr
I have nothing to hide but I am oppossed to police getting my info
from my ISP without a warrant. What is the big deal about getting a
Your "stable majority government" doesn't want to go through the trouble.  And YOU have no
right to whine about ANYTHING they do.  They were an entirely predictable government for doing
whatever the hell they want to do.  YOU are just one of their enablers.
I live in a NDP riding. My vote for the Tories helped a second place
candidate. I will criticize any policy of the Tories I disagree with
and at the moment I wouldn't vote for them again.
"Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
2012-02-18 22:25:55 UTC
Your "stable majority government" doesn't want to go through the trouble. And YOU have no
right to whine about ANYTHING they do. They were an entirely predictable government for doing
whatever the hell they want to do. YOU are just one of their enablers.
Post by Greg Carr
I live in a NDP riding. My vote for the Tories helped a second place
candidate. I will criticize any policy of the Tories I disagree with
and at the moment I wouldn't vote for them again.
I guess you won't forget that you're going to have to wait two extra years to see your first
OAS cheque. That will be a reminder at the polls, won't it "Carr"?
And now you're gonna have to be very, very careful about who want dead in your postings . . . .
Barry Bruyea
2012-02-19 09:40:56 UTC
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
Your "stable majority government" doesn't want to go through the trouble. And YOU have no
right to whine about ANYTHING they do. They were an entirely predictable government for doing
whatever the hell they want to do. YOU are just one of their enablers.
Post by Greg Carr
I live in a NDP riding. My vote for the Tories helped a second place
candidate. I will criticize any policy of the Tories I disagree with
and at the moment I wouldn't vote for them again.
I guess you won't forget that you're going to have to wait two extra years to see your first
OAS cheque. That will be a reminder at the polls, won't it "Carr"?
And now you're gonna have to be very, very careful about who want dead in your postings . . . .
Under what legislation will have to wait two more years other than in
your bizaro world?
"Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
2012-02-16 20:06:29 UTC
Post by M.I. Wakefield
In light of this latest move . . . . after their introduction of changes to the OAS, the
What changes? The idea has been discussed, but nothing has been introduced.
You need to stop reading your homosexual newsgroups and get up-to-date on Canadian politics, ya
dumb animal.


"Changes to the Canada Pension Plan"
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is adapting to better reflect how Canadians choose to live, work,
and retire. Changes started in 2011 and are being gradually introduced until 2016."
M.I. Wakefield
2012-02-16 20:39:40 UTC
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
Post by M.I. Wakefield
What changes? The idea has been discussed, but nothing has been introduced.
You need to stop reading your homosexual newsgroups and get up-to-date on
Canadian politics, ya dumb animal.
Sorry hater, I only read can.politics and alt.politics on a regular basis.
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
"Changes to the Canada Pension Plan"
The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is adapting to better reflect how Canadians
choose to live, work, and retire. Changes started in 2011 and are being
gradually introduced until 2016."
Old news ... introduced in 2009 ... your claim was that CPP changes were
being introduced, implying something new.

Oh, and once again, you totally fucked up your editing of the message I was
replying to.
"Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
2012-02-16 23:54:38 UTC
Post by M.I. Wakefield
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
You need to stop reading your homosexual newsgroups and get up-to-date on Canadian politics,
ya dumb animal.
Sorry hater, I only read can.politics and alt.politics on a regular basis.
Then these must all be errors on the part of Google . . . .

Advanced Groups Search

"M.I. Wakefield" ***@sympatico.ca

Activity in

Re-Criminalize Homosexuality
can.politics Sep 8 2011
Parasitic Democrat Trial Lawyers Frightened By Rich Perry ... alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
Aug 25 2011
Democrats' Money Bags, Radical "Liberal" George Soros ... alt.politics.democrats
Aug 12 2011
Why Free-Market Economics Should Be Mandatory For Course ... alt.politics.liberalism Aug 12
The 4 million victims at Auschwitz. Is Deborah Lisptadt a serious ... alt.revisionism Aug 9
Cross-dressing fag settles DMV suit
alt.politics.homosexuality Sep 7, 2011
'Gay' gene claim suddenly vanishes
alt.abortion Aug 5, 2011
Allegations of Fake Holocaust Claims Just Keep Growing ... alt.revisionism June
25, 2011
Racist Right Wing Savages Utter 30 Death Threats Against Obama A Day alt.politics May 26 2011
Pedophiles following gays out of the closet
rec.arts.tv Sep 1, 2011
Racist Colin Powell Wont Support Obama in 2012 alt.california Aug
29, 2011
Amy Winehouse - Escape From Rehab! alt.tasteless
Aug 25 2008
Hardcore Adult Porn Contributes to Child Sexual Abuse alt.abortion Oct 3,
AT Fat Pool--Fool the Guesser!
alt.tasteless June 3, 2000

You've been attracted to homosexuality for quite a few years, haven't you, "Wakefield"? Or
should I say, 'Schild' ?
M.I. Wakefield
2012-02-17 00:26:35 UTC
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
Post by M.I. Wakefield
Sorry hater, I only read can.politics and alt.politics on a regular basis.
Then these must all be errors on the part of Google . . . .
Awww, you're stalking me too.

You better make your move Eric!
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
Advanced Groups Search
A little checking would reveal that most of those messages were cross-posted
to can.politics ... and for the older ones, ont.politics.

And yes, I used to frequently post to alt.tasteless ... but that group has
been dying for some time ...
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
You've been attracted to homosexuality for quite a few years, haven't you,
I'm against the bigots, like J, if that's what you mean. I also take shots
at the neo-nazis.

Obviously these positions offend you ... which marks you as a very sad
little person.
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
Or should I say, 'Schild' ?
"Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
2012-02-17 00:29:39 UTC
Post by M.I. Wakefield
Awww, you're stalking me too.
Nope. Just making you out a liar, "Wakefield".

Advanced Groups Search

"M.I. Wakefield" ***@sympatico.ca

Activity in

Re-Criminalize Homosexuality
can.politics Sep 8 2011
Parasitic Democrat Trial Lawyers Frightened By Rich Perry ... alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
Aug 25 2011
Democrats' Money Bags, Radical "Liberal" George Soros ... alt.politics.democrats
Aug 12 2011
Why Free-Market Economics Should Be Mandatory For Course ... alt.politics.liberalism Aug 12
The 4 million victims at Auschwitz. Is Deborah Lisptadt a serious ... alt.revisionism Aug 9
Cross-dressing fag settles DMV suit
alt.politics.homosexuality Sep 7, 2011
'Gay' gene claim suddenly vanishes
alt.abortion Aug 5, 2011
Allegations of Fake Holocaust Claims Just Keep Growing ... alt.revisionism June
25, 2011
Racist Right Wing Savages Utter 30 Death Threats Against Obama A Day alt.politics May 26 2011
Pedophiles following gays out of the closet
rec.arts.tv Sep 1, 2011
Racist Colin Powell Wont Support Obama in 2012 alt.california Aug
29, 2011
Amy Winehouse - Escape From Rehab! alt.tasteless
Aug 25 2008
Hardcore Adult Porn Contributes to Child Sexual Abuse alt.abortion Oct 3,
AT Fat Pool--Fool the Guesser!
alt.tasteless June 3, 2000
M.I. Wakefield
2012-02-17 01:08:54 UTC
Post by "Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
Post by M.I. Wakefield
Awww, you're stalking me too.
Nope. Just making you out a liar, "Wakefield".
Hardly, idiot ... you're just reporting where my posts end up being
cross-posted ... not where I read on a regular basis.

I'd explain the difference, but there's no hope of getting you to understand
simple logic if you can't handle basic math:

65 * 75 million = 4,875 million = 4.875 billion

... not 49 billion as you claimed earlier.
"Ç%" <Ç%@can.ca>
2012-02-18 22:46:58 UTC
I don't think Conservative support is going up anytime soon unless the
economy takes off. (BC announced 10,000 new jobs in the gas sector
courtesy of Encana/Mitsubishi in the north of the province today.)
Bill C-30 is unpopular and will grow in unpopularity once ppl find out
more about it. The OAS changes are already registering 74%
unpopularity and the Northern Gateway pipeline is unpopular in BC.
Tory popularity is on the wane.
. . . And your "stable majority government" has JUST BEGUN their term. You'd better be
holding onto your seat as they get to the really meaty stuff.