On Fri, 06 May 2011 20:04:15 -0600, while chained to a desk
$> On Wed, 4 May 2011 10:57:46 -0700 (PDT), while chained to a
$> desk in the scriptorium Greg Carr
$>> $>
$>> $> > 1. Keep the Harper Cons from getting anywhere near a majority,
$>> $> > 2. See the NDP either win, or get a huge number of seats in the House to challenge the Cons,
$>> $> > 3. See the NDP and Liberals join into a Coalition government and keep the Cons in the
$>> $> > Opposition seats,
$>> $>
$>> $> > It will be a great election! Remember to offer to drive your family members, relatives or
$>> $> > neighbours to the polls if they don't have a vehicle.
$>> $> > ____________________________________
$>> $> >http://www.cbc.ca/news/interactives/cv11-poll-tracker/
$>> $>
$>> $> > May 1 EKOS 34.6 20.4 31.4 5.4 6.3 2,988 1.8
$>> $> > ===============================================================
$>> $> > Rise up, Canada !
$>> $
$>> $Canadians rose up and delivered a stable national majority to the
$>> $Harper govt.
$> I don't think the NDP wanted a coalition government. Face
$> it, in a coalition, Jack Layton would be playing second
$> fiddle to Micahel Ignatieff.
$> Being official opposition with a Consrvative majority is
$> very good for the NDP. Gives Jack Layton and his
$> experienced people four to five years to mentor sixty new
$> faces in Parliament and bring them up to the point where
$> they could be effective on the government side of the house.
$> They can also use that time to solidify their hold on all
$> the ridings they now represent.
$> In 2015, I think we'll see a showdown between the
$> Conservatives and the NDP. The BQ are history, and both the
$> Conservatives and the NDP will make sure the Liberal Party
$> is DOA come the time the next writ is dropped.
$The Liberals are effectively in the same spot that the old PC party was
$after Mulroney left. Except in the case of the Liberals, they've had a
$succession of bad leaders, bad policy and a lot of corruption. I was
$just watching a PVR'd episode of Ice Pilots tonight and ran across a
$Liberal election commercial that promised "prudent financial leadership
$from a trusted team." In retrospect, its amazing how funny and
$hypocritical they were, given their shady past. No wonder Canadians
$didn't buy their sales pitch. Will they be DOA in 2015? If they keep
$avoiding their dark past, then that's a good bet.
They aren't quite as bad off as the old PC party. When they
hit rock bottom, they had two seats.
However, on your other points, I agree. The Liberals have
not come clean on things like Adscam. Sure, they had a
judicial review by, IIRC, a Liberal appointed judge. But
the money in question is still unaccounted for.
Then, throw in the Liberal drift to the left over the last
40 years. Well, the NDP is a more effective left of centre
party, though some of the fun that is emerging over a few of
their Quebec candidates is worth a good chuckle.
Anyway, sometime between now and the next election, the
Liberals do have to come up with a good leader. None of the
party hacks we've seen over the last couple of Liberal
leadership conventions.
And they will need to establish themselves as an alternative
to both the Conservatives and the NDP.
John Fleming
Edmonton, Canada
Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O
And on that farm he had a genome E-I-E-I-O
With a SNP SNP here and a SNP SNP there,
Here a SNP, there a SNP, everywhere a SNP SNP
Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O