"Polytechnique" was on CBC last night
(too old to reply)
2011-11-22 00:12:02 UTC

And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted' as a restricted weapon
by the Harper government in this coming round of trying to do away with the long gun registry.

Any police officers or civilian employees with the police who have access to CPIC should be
doing everything in their power to download and keep records of anyone in their province (or
other provinces, for that matter) who owns long guns.

The Harper government can't keep the provinces from starting up their own long gun registries -
but it will need some quick and careful action by concerned cops or civilians to make sure
those records are not lost totally, since Harper & Co have promised "to destroy them".

'Occupy Canada' in more ways than one . . . .

"We CAN look after each other better than we do today.
We CAN have a fiscally responsible government.
We CAN have a strong economy; greater equality; a clean environment.
We CAN be a force for peace in the world." - Jack Layton
Free Thinker
2011-11-22 07:18:40 UTC
I had no idea of the theme, if I did I would have watched. Skimming the
header I thought it was about gay French parrots!!
Post by "Çons®
And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted' as a restricted weapon
by the Harper government in this coming round of trying to do away with the long gun registry.
Any police officers or civilian employees with the police who have access to CPIC should be
doing everything in their power to download and keep records of anyone in their province (or
other provinces, for that matter) who owns long guns.
The Harper government can't keep the provinces from starting up their own long gun registries -
but it will need some quick and careful action by concerned cops or civilians to make sure
those records are not lost totally, since Harper& Co have promised "to destroy them".
'Occupy Canada' in more ways than one . . . .
"We CAN look after each other better than we do today.
We CAN have a fiscally responsible government.
We CAN have a strong economy; greater equality; a clean environment.
We CAN be a force for peace in the world." - Jack Layton
Dave Smith
2011-11-22 14:59:50 UTC
Post by "Çons®
And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted' as a restricted weapon
by the Harper government in this coming round of trying to do away with the long gun registry.
Any police officers or civilian employees with the police who have access to CPIC should be
doing everything in their power to download and keep records of anyone in their province (or
other provinces, for that matter) who owns long guns.
The Harper government can't keep the provinces from starting up their own long gun registries -
but it will need some quick and careful action by concerned cops or civilians to make sure
those records are not lost totally, since Harper& Co have promised "to destroy them".
Smarter people than yourself would recognize that the primary factor in
Lepine's outrageous crime was his attitude toward women, not the gun.
The man was mentally ill and had been raised by an abusive father who
hated women.
Dave Smith
2011-11-22 20:12:17 UTC
Post by "Çons®
And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted' as a restricted weapon
by the Harper government in this coming round of trying to do away with the long gun registry.
Any police officers or civilian employees with the police who have access to CPIC should be
doing everything in their power to download and keep records of anyone in their province (or
other provinces, for that matter) who owns long guns.
The Harper government can't keep the provinces from starting up their own long gun registries -
but it will need some quick and careful action by concerned cops or civilians to make sure
those records are not lost totally, since Harper& Co have promised "to destroy them".
Toronto police have charged a woman with attempted murder for throwing
her two year old daughter off a balcony. A couple weeks ago someone
throw a person off a balcony.

Is it time to have a balcony registry?
2011-11-22 20:16:13 UTC
Post by "Çons®
And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted' as
a restricted weapon
by the Harper government in this coming round of trying to do away with
the long gun registry.
Any police officers or civilian employees with the police who have access
to CPIC should be
doing everything in their power to download and keep records of anyone in
their province (or
other provinces, for that matter) who owns long guns.
The Harper government can't keep the provinces from starting up their own
long gun registries -
but it will need some quick and careful action by concerned cops or
civilians to make sure
those records are not lost totally, since Harper& Co have promised "to destroy them".
Toronto police have charged a woman with attempted murder for throwing her
two year old daughter off a balcony. A couple weeks ago someone throw a
person off a balcony.
Is it time to have a balcony registry?
Actually, balconies should only be available to licensed people trained in
their use
Naturally, they should also give up their rights to privacy so that the
police can come and inspect their balconies at will.
2011-11-22 20:26:26 UTC
Post by Dave Smith
Post by "Çons®
And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted'
as a restricted weapon
by the Harper government in this coming round of trying to do away
with the long gun registry.
Any police officers or civilian employees with the police who have
access to CPIC should be
doing everything in their power to download and keep records of anyone
in their province (or
other provinces, for that matter) who owns long guns.
The Harper government can't keep the provinces from starting up their
own long gun registries -
but it will need some quick and careful action by concerned cops or
civilians to make sure
those records are not lost totally, since Harper& Co have promised "to
destroy them".
Toronto police have charged a woman with attempted murder for throwing
her two year old daughter off a balcony. A couple weeks ago someone
throw a person off a balcony.
Is it time to have a balcony registry?
Well no she'd come under the registry as it is, since she 'threw' the
kid from the balcony she would be the 'arms' registry.
M.I. Wakefield
2011-11-22 21:54:09 UTC
"Dave Smith" wrote in message news:QmTyq.279155$***@unlimited.newshosting.com...

Toronto police have charged a woman with attempted murder for throwing her
two year old daughter off a balcony. A couple weeks ago someone throw a
person off a balcony.
Is it time to have a balcony registry?
Nobody really needs a balcony. Once we know where they all are, it'll make
banning them earlier.
Dave Smith
2011-11-22 22:36:32 UTC
Post by Dave Smith
Toronto police have charged a woman with attempted murder for throwing
her two year old daughter off a balcony. A couple weeks ago someone
throw a person off a balcony.
Is it time to have a balcony registry?
Nobody really needs a balcony. Once we know where they all are, it'll
make banning them earlier.
And if police are called out to a domestic dispute they need to know if
their is a balcony because the culprit could be hiding out or trying to
escape by way of the balcony. It would never occur to them that they
might be a balcony unless there was a national registry.
Barry Bruyea
2011-11-23 10:58:39 UTC
On Tue, 22 Nov 2011 17:36:32 -0500, Dave Smith
Post by Dave Smith
Post by Dave Smith
Toronto police have charged a woman with attempted murder for throwing
her two year old daughter off a balcony. A couple weeks ago someone
throw a person off a balcony.
Is it time to have a balcony registry?
Nobody really needs a balcony. Once we know where they all are, it'll
make banning them earlier.
And if police are called out to a domestic dispute they need to know if
their is a balcony because the culprit could be hiding out or trying to
escape by way of the balcony. It would never occur to them that they
might be a balcony unless there was a national registry.
There should also be a Window registry. At the rate they are falling
from Condos in Toronto, somebody going to get it.
Duncan Patton a Campbell
2011-11-24 18:20:25 UTC
Post by "Çons®
And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted'
as a restricted weapon by the Harper government in this coming round of
trying to do away with the long gun registry.
Marc Lepine was a sad creature of a sort likely to use a truck bomb
if a gun wasn't to hand. One might be tempted to ask where this hate
comes from, what caused him to be so. But we've done everything but
that, and built monuments to him to boot. Now why would that be?

Post by "Çons®
Any police officers or civilian employees with the police who have
access to CPIC should be doing everything in their power to download and
keep records of anyone in their province (or other provinces, for that
matter) who owns long guns.
The Harper government can't keep the provinces from starting up their
own long gun registries - but it will need some quick and careful action
by concerned cops or civilians to make sure those records are not lost
totally, since Harper & Co have promised "to destroy them".
'Occupy Canada' in more ways than one . . . .
******************************************************* "We CAN look
after each other better than we do today. We CAN have a fiscally
responsible government. We CAN have a strong economy; greater equality;
a clean environment. We CAN be a force for peace in the world."
- Jack Layton
Duncan Patton a Campbell is Dhu >>> Ne Obliviscaris
Uncle Steve
2011-11-24 22:12:45 UTC
Post by Duncan Patton a Campbell
Post by "Çons®
And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted'
as a restricted weapon by the Harper government in this coming round of
trying to do away with the long gun registry.
Marc Lepine was a sad creature of a sort likely to use a truck bomb
if a gun wasn't to hand. One might be tempted to ask where this hate
comes from, what caused him to be so. But we've done everything but
that, and built monuments to him to boot. Now why would that be?
That's easy. Politicians know they should never allow a good crisis
to go to waste, and so the official story was whatever the spin-
meisters wanted, with the facts and circumstances taking a back seat,
or in this case, most likely buried.

Maybe he really hated feminists (almost wrote 'women' there by
accident), and went from having no significant criminal history to
mass-murderer without prior incident. Reading the English translation
of his suicide note, it could easily be the ravings of a zealot
concealing his true motivations, and the missing "I am" in the note is

There was some clandestine psychological "experimentation" in Quebec
not too long before he went off, which probably had nothing to do with
the shooting. All I can say is that there are enough spies and busy
little covert-bees with bad headwork running around Toronto, and from
what I've seen they would be easily capable of driving (apparently
it's even called psychic driving) someone to such an act. The people
I speak of have the consent of the law-enforcement community to
operate as they do -- I believe I've been complaining about the
useless fucking pigs for quite a while now? Perhaps it's a cultural
thing. A mass murderer or even a serial killer is a call of sorts for
'improved' mental health services and community outreach. And of
course we got the long-gun registry.

As to why there is no meaningful inquiry into his motivations (I am
not aware of one), you may also ask why it is that the media fail to
make the same inquiries of child molesters. I've asked whether there
is some theological significance to the act of child-molestation, but
have received no answers. Of course one can always speculate.


Uncle Steve

We can't all be intelligent, but at least we can be polite.
-- H. J. Paton, "The Modern Predicament"
2011-11-27 04:51:21 UTC
Post by "Çons®
And the long gun that the killer used in the movie is being 'delisted'
as a restricted weapon by the Harper government in this coming round
of trying to do away with the long gun registry.
The Ruger Mini-14 is a wonderful rifle. Lightweight and I've seen pure
novices put five shots into a 4" circle at 100 yards using only iron
sights. For home defense it is far better than a handgun because unless
you have real skill, hitting a moving target with a handgun is next to
impossible. I'd urge everyone who can qualify for an FAC to get one.
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