2011-03-31 20:11:24 UTC
. . . . or at least until Jack Layton forms a coalition with the Liberals and puts a stop to
it. We know how to vote in the upcoming election.
CBC News Posted: Mar 31, 2011
Layton would slash oilsands subsidies
NDP Leader Jack Layton is vowing to cut the fossil fuel subsidies for Alberta's oilsands and
funnel that money instead into paying for clean power initiatives.
Layton made the announcement after a campaign stop in Montreal, where he toured an
environmentally friendly business park.
"Stephen Harper is handing billions to oil companies developing Canada's dirtiest energy
sources, like the tarsands," Layton said. "As prime minister, I'll cancel his dirty fuels
subsidy and put that money into clean energy solutions instead."
The NDP leader said the subsidies for the oilsands amount to a "$75 gift from every Canadian to
big polluters."
The NDP estimates the oilsands industry receives roughly $2 billion worth of subsidies
annually. And Layton said producers have seen their operating revenue jump to $211 billion from
$117 billion since 2004.
The result is an increase in Canada's output of greenhouse gases.
Layton took his pitch against oilsands subsidies to Quebec, where polls have shown residents
are very concerned about the environmental risks posed by the projects.
Layton used the Thursday speech to trumpet his party's ability to pass a Climate Change
Accountability Act twice in a minority Parliament. He then criticized the Harper Conservatives
for stalling the bill in the Senate.
"I will immediately eliminate Stephen Harper's subsidies to fossil fuel producers," Layton
"We'll stop the flow to the tarsands, every single penny.
"And I'll redirect the savings into Canada's most promising clean energy."
Layton's clean energy program would offer financial incentives for companies to invest in
solar, wind, tidal and geothermal projects. The NDP could apply to help fund energy efficiency
projects that would cut Canadians' dependence on high carbon fuels.
As well,the NDP leader announced a plan to set up a training fund that would pay for jobs in
new energy projects. He said the plan would help make Canada a world leader when it comes to
the new energy economy.
The majority of the oilsands products are in northern Alberta.
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers estimates there are 173 billion barrels of
oilsands reserves in Canada. That amount would put Canada second behind Saudi Arabia for the
amount of crude oil reserves.
it. We know how to vote in the upcoming election.
CBC News Posted: Mar 31, 2011
Layton would slash oilsands subsidies
NDP Leader Jack Layton is vowing to cut the fossil fuel subsidies for Alberta's oilsands and
funnel that money instead into paying for clean power initiatives.
Layton made the announcement after a campaign stop in Montreal, where he toured an
environmentally friendly business park.
"Stephen Harper is handing billions to oil companies developing Canada's dirtiest energy
sources, like the tarsands," Layton said. "As prime minister, I'll cancel his dirty fuels
subsidy and put that money into clean energy solutions instead."
The NDP leader said the subsidies for the oilsands amount to a "$75 gift from every Canadian to
big polluters."
The NDP estimates the oilsands industry receives roughly $2 billion worth of subsidies
annually. And Layton said producers have seen their operating revenue jump to $211 billion from
$117 billion since 2004.
The result is an increase in Canada's output of greenhouse gases.
Layton took his pitch against oilsands subsidies to Quebec, where polls have shown residents
are very concerned about the environmental risks posed by the projects.
Layton used the Thursday speech to trumpet his party's ability to pass a Climate Change
Accountability Act twice in a minority Parliament. He then criticized the Harper Conservatives
for stalling the bill in the Senate.
"I will immediately eliminate Stephen Harper's subsidies to fossil fuel producers," Layton
"We'll stop the flow to the tarsands, every single penny.
"And I'll redirect the savings into Canada's most promising clean energy."
Layton's clean energy program would offer financial incentives for companies to invest in
solar, wind, tidal and geothermal projects. The NDP could apply to help fund energy efficiency
projects that would cut Canadians' dependence on high carbon fuels.
As well,the NDP leader announced a plan to set up a training fund that would pay for jobs in
new energy projects. He said the plan would help make Canada a world leader when it comes to
the new energy economy.
The majority of the oilsands products are in northern Alberta.
The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers estimates there are 173 billion barrels of
oilsands reserves in Canada. That amount would put Canada second behind Saudi Arabia for the
amount of crude oil reserves.